Awesome Features

Course creation, collaboration and monetization for teachers, this app is built from the ground up for teaching during the pandemic.

Create Courses

Easily assemble your own course from existing materials online, including video, audio, pdf and website links.


Need someone to watch your kids during the day? We have a growing list of locations with safe, socially distanced environments that also provide physical fitness and socialization with other kids throughout the day.


Don’t do all the work yourself. Re-use and customize course material other teachers have already put together for your subject.


Know how your child is doing throughout the day, and receive alerts from teachers and staff. Find out what topics they need extra help with, and connect with tutors. Our parental reports give you insight into your children’s experience.


Create small quizzes throughout the process to know right away which students need help in a topic.


Eye tracking and Facial recognition to know when students are present. Give credit only for times they attended and paid attention. Works with any other educational tool, too.

The Big Idea

This is a teaching app for this pandemic - and the brave new world it has ushered in. Living with precautions is the new normal, so we took that new normal and created an app that solves the teaching / learning problem most schools are facing today. No one knows if a lockdown is the last one, it usually isn't, so its best to invent new approaches for new times.

This app addresses today's teaching challenges.

In the last few years, distance learning has become a reality across much of the world. A huge number of people have moved from in-person interactions to largely online communication. Learning, in particular, has transitioned.

What impact will this have?

All this means that individual teachers will be looking for alternative ways to organize their courses and make money teaching. It is projected that 320,000 teaching jobs may be cut across the USA

More Teachers

There are many teachers who don’t belong to a school or university, including Yoga teachers, Talmudic teachers, and a myriad other subjects.

Feature Image

Here's the plan.

The Teaching App will lower the barrier for teachers to create and monetize courses. Anyone can leverage the Web to share their expertise and create a course, and there will be a marketplace of courses and topics.


The Teaching app will let teachers get paid in a straightforward manner, which will become very important in these uncertain times. Each course will consist of multiple sessions, and students will pay to attend each session ahead of time.


Social gamification deployed in the app will help encourage students to make progress in the course, and pay for subsequent sessions.

Screenshots of App

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Getting Closer to App

The teaching app has a clean, premium looking user interface, with more updates on the way. The flow is simple, effective and quick, helping teacher's sign up, create courses, invite students, and get paid per session, per student.

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How to Install APP ON ?

Vestibulum sit amet tincidunt urna, eget ullamcorper purus. Aenean feugiat quis tortor vitae frin, condimentum at sem et, fermentum varius ligula. Nulla dignissim nulla eget congue cursus.

  • First Awesome Feature
  • First Awesome Feature
  • First Awesome Feature
  • First Awesome Feature
  • First Awesome Feature
  • First Awesome Feature
  • First Awesome Feature
  • First Awesome Feature

How to Make New User ?

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  • First Awesome Feature
  • First Awesome Feature
  • First Awesome Feature
  • First Awesome Feature
  • First Awesome Feature
  • First Awesome Feature
  • First Awesome Feature
  • First Awesome Feature

How to Earn Bitcoin ?

Vestibulum sit amet tincidunt urna, eget ullamcorper purus. Aenean feugiat quis tortor vitae frin, condimentum at sem et, fermentum varius ligula. Nulla dignissim nulla eget congue cursus.

  • First Awesome Feature
  • First Awesome Feature
  • First Awesome Feature
  • First Awesome Feature
  • First Awesome Feature
  • First Awesome Feature
  • First Awesome Feature
  • First Awesome Feature

How to Delete My Profile ?

Vestibulum sit amet tincidunt urna, eget ullamcorper purus. Aenean feugiat quis tortor vitae frin, condimentum at sem et, fermentum varius ligula. Nulla dignissim nulla eget congue cursus.

  • First Awesome Feature
  • First Awesome Feature
  • First Awesome Feature
  • First Awesome Feature
  • First Awesome Feature
  • First Awesome Feature
  • First Awesome Feature
  • First Awesome Feature

What Clients Say

Duis bibendum diam non erat facilaisis tincidunt. Fusce leo neque, lacinia at tempor vitae, porta at arcu. Vestibulum varius non dui at pulvinar. Ut egestas orci in quam sollicitudin aliquet.

Vivamus enim nisi, dictum vel cursus a, pulvinar a neque. Aenean interdum, tellus ut congue rutrum, urna leo bibendum erat, vel ullamcorper eros tellus vitae libero. Nulla tellus vitae nibh , a viverra est malesuada. Nam malesuada quis tellus eu laoreet.

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Vivamus enim nisi, dictum vel cursus a, pulvinar a neque. Aenean interdum, tellus ut congue rutrum, urna leo bibendum erat, vel ullamcorper eros tellus vitae libero. Nulla tellus vitae nibh , a viverra est malesuada. Nam malesuada quis tellus eu laoreet.

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Vivamus enim nisi, dictum vel cursus a, pulvinar a neque. Aenean interdum, tellus ut congue rutrum, urna leo bibendum erat, vel ullamcorper eros tellus vitae libero. Nulla tellus vitae nibh , a viverra est malesuada. Nam malesuada quis tellus eu laoreet.

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Vivamus enim nisi, dictum vel cursus a, pulvinar a neque. Aenean interdum, tellus ut congue rutrum, urna leo bibendum erat, vel ullamcorper eros tellus vitae libero. Nulla tellus vitae nibh , a viverra est malesuada. Nam malesuada quis tellus eu laoreet.

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Vivamus enim nisi, dictum vel cursus a, pulvinar a neque. Aenean interdum, tellus ut congue rutrum, urna leo bibendum erat, vel ullamcorper eros tellus vitae libero. Nulla tellus vitae nibh , a viverra est malesuada. Nam malesuada quis tellus eu laoreet.

Client Name

Vivamus enim nisi, dictum vel cursus a, pulvinar a neque. Aenean interdum, tellus ut congue rutrum, urna leo bibendum erat, vel ullamcorper eros tellus vitae libero. Nulla tellus vitae nibh , a viverra est malesuada. Nam malesuada quis tellus eu laoreet.

Client Name

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